Thursday, November 8, 2007

Stress Facts:

52% of employees report that they have considered or made a career decision -- such as looking for a new job, declining a promotion, or leaving a job -- based on workplace stress. Leading sources of stress at work are:
  • Low salaries - 44 percent
  • Heavy workload -- 41 percent
  • Lack of advancement opportunities -- 40 percent
  • Uncertain job expectations -- 40 percent
  • Long hours -- 39 percent


of employees report being less productive at work as a result of stress.


of workers with household incomes under $50,000 report that they manage their stress poorly, versus 15% with incomes of $50,000 or more.

Lower income adults are more likely than those with higher incomes to experience symptoms of stress

  • Physical -- 80% versus 74%
  • Psychological -- 77% versus 68%
  • Including:
  • Irritability or anger -- 54% versus 46%
  • Feeling nervous or sad -- 50% versus 42%
  • Lack of motivation or energy -- 51% versus 40%

Barr Corporate Success can help you design a plan that will not only reduce your work stress, but take your business to the next level. Call Krissi today to find out how! 513-470-8980.

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