Monday, March 5, 2007


Because Barr Corporate Success believes in achieving results through strategic thinking and disciplined action, I'd like to first describe this blog's purpose. To succeed in any endeavor, it's useful to begin with some end in mind. Many blogs are spontaneous expressions of what's happening in people's lives, both inner or outer, but this blog is grounded not in personal need for expression, but our desire to enable others to reach heights they had not thought were possible. Your time is valuable, and we respect it. Here, we seek to share useful, practical information for increased execution, understanding, achievement, communication, teamwork, job satisfaction, efficiency, retention... all those factors which lead to both amazing performance and a more satisfying and profitable work life for all. In a word, the purpose of this blog is leadership. In this space, we will be sharing events, activities, books, articles, links, and personal insights from and by business leaders, as well as thought-provoking materials from a variety of sources which can shift your thinking, give new perspective, and spark creative solutions to any challenge. Some entries may be short and factual, some longer and more esoteric, but all will focus on informing, inspiring, and leading. We hope you both enjoy and learn from each and every post. Let's get to work! Return to Barr Corporate Success --