Friday, March 23, 2007

Appreciate...Communicate... Accelerate!

You know your business better than anyone, so here are some useful questions you might want to consider. Would it surprise you to learn that "high wages" ranks halfway down employees' list of factors that most influence their performance? For some it's counterintuitive, but "Show me the money" is only a small part of the equation.
Managers predicted employees would rank wages highest, but the most important factor listed by employees as influencing their productivity was "Full appreciation of work done."
Stop and think about that for a moment. What is appreciation? Sure, a raise is a good indication that you value an employee's work, but does it communicate "full appreciation"? What about the second most important factor, "a feeling of being in on things?"
  • Does everyone on your team feel that they know what's going on, when, and why?
  • Can employees make a clear connection between their work and the company's vision?
  • Have they had the company's vision explained to them in real-world terms?

A second study asked, "What aspect is important when your employer communicates with you?" The top answers:

  • Giving insights on how to be more effective (52%)
  • Showing how to fit into the company's vision (47%)
  • Explaining the company's vision (45%)
  • Engaging on a personal level (41%)
  • When you drag out the company checkbook, or better yet, before, share the company vision with employees, offer them concrete examples and guiding principles for decision-making and improvement in their performance, demonstrate sincere appreciation for the work they do, and show you care how work fits into their lives as a whole.

    It's relatively easy to do on an individual basis, but increasingly hard to build into an entire company's culture.

    Barr Corporate Success has improved teamwork, profits, retention, productivity and profits throughout organizations from family businesses all the way up to Fortune 500 companies.

    Call Krissi or Jodi today to find out how we can help you hardwire amazing performance into your company!

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