Monday, March 24, 2008

What spurs innovation?

What is the most important driver of innovation for companies?
Many of us might say that innovation is driven by having the most creative talent on board. But we would be wrong. While it is important to have talented people working with us, an unsupportive environment can quickly turn off the creativity switch, and send our creative people into a defensive posture where they fear making a mistake, feel unsupported, and avoid taking chances -- the backbone of creativity and innovation.
By the numbers, top execs say the important factors in innovation are:
  1. Supportive corporate culture (53 percent responding)
  2. Top management support (21 percent)
  3. Clear processes and measurable goals (13 percent)
  4. Creative talent (5 percent)
Source: Textron survey of 150 senior-level executives
The bottom line: Build an environment open to creativity, which drives innovation, and innovation will come.
Barr Corporate Success has the tools and the knowledge to unleash the creativity, enthusiasm, and productivity of your workforce. To discuss your situation and needs, please contact Krissi Barr: or 513.470.8980.